FREE Performance Offer for MHEDA MembersCompany Name *Name *First and Last PleaseTitle *Phone Number *Email *Website If you wish us to evaluate certain locations or specific employees please list here Please Read and Check "I Agree" Below Creative Sales Solutions (CSS) Recorded Performance Evaluation Permission Form CSS will provide Recorded Performance Evaluation for 3 parts and service employees at no cost and review with management the results. Company agrees to the following terms: Company grants permission to CSS to record telephone calls to its locations and employees as Company's agent. CSS will only record conversations that relate to the ordinary course of business. No personal calls or conversations will be recorded. Company understands there is no cost to Company as the Recorded Performance Evaluation is being provided as a promotion. Company warrants to CSS that if Company has any California employees they have been notified of theRecorded Performance Evaluation and that they are subject to being evaluated by CSS. Confidentiality - CSS, and its employees, agents, or representatives will not at any time or in any manner, either directly or indirectly, divulge, disclose, or communicate in any manner, any evaluation, recording or information that is proprietary to Company. CSS and its employees, agents, and representatives will protect such information and treat it as strictly confidential. This provision will continue to be effective after the termination of this agreement. By checking the box below, I hereby grant my permission to CSS to perform a Recorded Performance Evaluation of my employees at no charge according to the above terms and conditions.Agreement to Terms *I Agree What is your job?:What is your job?: