Service Tech Training

Are Your Service Technicians Providing an

Exceptional Customer Experience?

Your service technicians have more direct contact with customers and more credibility than anyone at you dealership.

Are they skilled at:

  • asking good diagnostic questions to quickly find the problem?
  • offering additional repairs?
  • offering customers safety related items (like backup alarms, strobe lights, and seat belts)?
  • building strong lasting customer relationships?
  • providing an exceptional customer experience?

If you cannot answer YES to the above questions, as each day passes your dealership is losing an untold amount in sales.

Our live webinar program is based on how the TOP service technicians throughout the industry handle customers.

  • During our live webinar, your technicians will hear recorded interviews with the industry’s top performers and how they create an exceptional customer experience.
  • Since our program is presented via webinar, there is no travel or extensive time away from the dealership. Our 90-minute, live webinar will teach your technicians all of the above, plus much more.
  • Bonus: For four weeks after the training webinar, CSS provides follow-up videos to reinforce the concepts presented in the training program


How Effective and Consistent are
Your Parts and Serivce Employees.
Find out with our FREE Performance Evaluation Offer.
CSS will evaluate up to 3 parts
and service employees at no charge.