Lance Jones – ” …thank you for providing me with training from “Creative Sales Solutions.””

Hi, Vince,

Here is something I thought was really cool with our new customer, Tigercat International. We received orders on two new dock positions , along with the approach and construction ($107,500).

Upon receipt of the orders, Tigercat told me we earned its business on the very first phone call. The customer said our price was not the lowest; however, we were the only company with which he spoke that asked all the right discovery questions, confirmed an appointment, and that I was the only rep who did not ask him to send an e-mail to provide his contact info. He said we did our job on that first call. It’s pretty cool that we earned his business with a phone call.

So, with that said, thank you for providing me with training from “Creative Sales Solutions.” It was a great refresher about what I should do on every call. Following the course instructions definitely made the difference on this project and has helped me increase my GP this year by more than $100,000.


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