Dave Firer – “The simplicity of the CSS training program is what resonates.”

The simplicity of the CSS training program is what resonates. I personally have caught myself selling over the phone or sending a proposal, for whatever reason, too busy, time restrictions, maybe I thought they really wanted to listen, you name it. Just taking those two ideas away is enough, but also establish credibility, investigating, present (in person) and closing. Great ideas, all done and packaged in a simple manner is what makes your system work well and be accepted by our sales reps.

Dennis Abrahamson – “I would highly recommend the CSS program”

As one of the first dealerships to use the Creative Sales Solutions program, we found the mystery shopping program provided valuable information to our management team regarding opportunities to impro ve our employees’ skill levels. The mystery shopping after the training provides a valid metric to measure employee improvement, which is absent in most all other training programs. I would highly recommend the CSS program to any dealer interested in increasing customer satisfaction, sales and profits.

John Chism – “Jim is high energy professional”

Jim is high energy professional… I have personally witnessed his extremely successful sales training seminars, which are based on actual and varied “down in the trenches” experiences. I’ve witnessed the improved results of sales professionals who have been exposed to his mystery shopping and training. Difficult economic conditions make his sales training education a must for any sales staff.

Anthony DiNardo – “…it turned out to be extremely helpful.”

I’m quite pleased to see that I have gotten better in my sales calls. Actually asking for the order has benefited me (and the company) very well. Instead of the customer saying “I’ll get back to you” after I quote them, I’m a little more forward in asking what I can do to get this taken care of (discounts, free shipping, etc), and it seems to be working. To be honest, I thought the program was going to be a waste of time, but it turned out to be extremely helpful. We can only get better from here. Thanks again.

Hal Ingram – “Jim does a very good job…”

Jim does a very good job of a hands-on mystery shopping experience tailored to your industry. He was fair but candid with our associates and helped them understand how they could improve with follow-up coaching.

Dan McHugh – “We are extremely pleased with Creative Sales Solutions.”

We took advantage of the opportunity to have Creative Sales Solutions randomly call, record and evaluate the customer service skills of some of our parts and service employees. During a review of the calls, we noticed some gaps and contracted with Creative Sales Solutions to provide training to help employees fill in those gaps to build stronger relationships with our customers and increase sales. 

Following training, we created an incentive program based on increases of line-item sales. We experienced a sales increase as much as 30 percent on line-item sales. This shows employees not only embraced the training but applied the techniques they learned. 

We are extremely pleased with Creative Sales Solutions. Not only are we going to put new employees through the training but we’re going to put all employees through a follow-up program to make sure they continue to apply the concepts they learned in training. We are a service-driven dealership and Creative Sales Solutions has become a trusted partner in working with our employees to make certain Vermeer North Atlantic provides exceptional customer service.

We are pleased to recommend Creative Sales Solutions as a training partner to any dealership.

Lance Jones – ” …thank you for providing me with training from “Creative Sales Solutions.””

Hi, Vince,

Here is something I thought was really cool with our new customer, Tigercat International. We received orders on two new dock positions , along with the approach and construction ($107,500).

Upon receipt of the orders, Tigercat told me we earned its business on the very first phone call. The customer said our price was not the lowest; however, we were the only company with which he spoke that asked all the right discovery questions, confirmed an appointment, and that I was the only rep who did not ask him to send an e-mail to provide his contact info. He said we did our job on that first call. It’s pretty cool that we earned his business with a phone call.

So, with that said, thank you for providing me with training from “Creative Sales Solutions.” It was a great refresher about what I should do on every call. Following the course instructions definitely made the difference on this project and has helped me increase my GP this year by more than $100,000.


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